“The First World War and the Second World War had a major impact on forests.” Explain the statement with five facts.

“The First World War and the Second World War had a major impact on forests.” Explain the statement with five facts.
“The First World War and the Second World War had a major impact on forests.” Explain the statement with five facts.
  1. In the modern times, the defending armies hide themselves and their war materials under the cover of the thick forests to avoid detection. As such, the enemy forces target forest areas to capture the opposing soldiers and their war material.
  2. Fearing the capture of forest areas by the enemy, sometimes, the existing governments themselves cut down the trees recklessly, destroy the saw mills and burn huge piles of great teak logs. Such a thing happened in Indonesia when the Dutch Government felt that the area under their control would fall to the Japanese.
  3. Sometimes, the occupying forces recklessly cut down trees for their own war industries as was done by the Japanese during the occupation of Indonesia in the Second World War.
  4. Finding the forest staff in difficulty during war times, some people expand their agricultural land at the cost of the forest land. Some people who were excluded from the forest areas, once again tried to reoccupy their lands.

Read More – How did the Dutch regulate cultivation in the forest area?

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